Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A Well Rounded Teacher

"It is important to begin with the conviction that we are no longer teaching if what we teach is more important than who we teach or how we teach.”

The teacher that studies the subjects she teaches and knows her stuff really well won't be successful with that skill only. Teaching takes in so many more aspects such as management, class climate, teaching in various styles, and taking an interest in the child. I remember as a child struggling because I was teased from being overweight. The class exercised everyday to "Chicken Fat". My teacher handed out awards occasionally. She gave me an award for doing the best exercises. I am sure I wasn't the best exerciser that day but she saw a need in one of her struggling students, me! My self esteem went sky high that day. Her kindness made me want to do better academically. I did my best work for her. Teachers that only worry about what they are teaching are not going to reach their students. The time and year will be wasted because most students will not progress. Teachers should have the mentality that they don't do things to students but do things for students.

1 comment:

  1. The importance of affect was acutely embedded in you at this pivotal moment.
