Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Inspirational Quotes

If the teacher connects learning to a child's emotions, she is more likely to learn than if what is being taught remains remote from her emotions.

This quote speaks to me because I believe it! When a student feels safe and comfortable in the classroom the teacher can move mountains. The student will do things the teacher would otherwise not get them to do because they trust them. I love the five key needs of learners which are affirmation, contribution, power, purpose and challenge. Students need to know the teacher cares first, then the student is willing to put their best foot forward.

As with most worthwhile endeavors, the devil is in the fine points.

I like this quote because it reminds me that it will be tough to reach all the aspirations I have for my future students. I must remember it may not be easy but it is definately worth it. I must never give up! The demands on me as a teacher will be plentiful but I must focus and remember what is most important, every individual student!

Teaching is fundamentally about building lives.

This is one of the reasons I am so excited to get into the classroom. I want to make a difference in the lives of my students. I want to greet each of them with a smile every day and be interested in their lives inside and outside of school. I want to give them self esteem and acceptance. I want them to be successful and excited about learning. I want them to feel empowered!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sensational Sylvia

There were several points that Sylvia Allen made in her presentation that made me a believer. I was instantly on board when she said that 90% of classroom management is dissolved when a teacher holds morning meetings. What an incredible concept! Just that one piece of advice alone was worth a million dollars. It works because the students feel safe and successful. It is a place where students can talk things through and teachers can bring things up that may need attention. Morning meetings are successful also for academics. I loved the memorization part of morning meeting. Learning poems helped the student's self esteem realizing they can memorize, just by saying it everyday. The story she told about the boy who was unsuccessful year after year brought tears to my eyes. He was finally successful because Mrs. Allen knew morning meeting was a pivotal time in the day that could not be ignored. Just yesterday, I ran into a teacher I used to work with. Her comment was that she could barely keep her head above water because classes and demands are bigger than ever. I wanted to exclaim with excitement, "Did you have a morning meeting?" This is a must for my future classroom.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Emotions Trump Learning

This phrase speaks loud to me because I believe it! Children need to feel the love before the logic. When I was in first grade my teacher tried to explain the greater than less than concept using the alligator mouth. I did not get that method of teaching this particular subject. My teacher was very impatient and rude to me about my lack of understanding. Because of her attitude towards me, I hated school. I did not want to go to school. I cried begging to stay home. My tears did not work, but the fear and incompetence I felt continued. I didn't learn much that year because I was afraid of my teacher. After the math incident I wouldn't ask her any questions when I didn't understand because I didn't want to get yelled at. This experience reminds me how important it is to connect with my students. Intead of belittling or yelling it is so important to be kind, patient and understanding. I believe as I gain my students trust by showing I care they will feel safe and the learning will have no boundaries.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A Well Rounded Teacher

"It is important to begin with the conviction that we are no longer teaching if what we teach is more important than who we teach or how we teach.”

The teacher that studies the subjects she teaches and knows her stuff really well won't be successful with that skill only. Teaching takes in so many more aspects such as management, class climate, teaching in various styles, and taking an interest in the child. I remember as a child struggling because I was teased from being overweight. The class exercised everyday to "Chicken Fat". My teacher handed out awards occasionally. She gave me an award for doing the best exercises. I am sure I wasn't the best exerciser that day but she saw a need in one of her struggling students, me! My self esteem went sky high that day. Her kindness made me want to do better academically. I did my best work for her. Teachers that only worry about what they are teaching are not going to reach their students. The time and year will be wasted because most students will not progress. Teachers should have the mentality that they don't do things to students but do things for students.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Blog Week One

In the classroom when I glance at the students as a whole, they all look like children. The students all have basic needs to eat, sleep etc. To be a successful teacher it is imparative that I look deeper. Thirty students become thirty individuals with names and a genuine uniqueness. Each student is as different as the colors in the rainbow, which makes it extremely important for me to treat them as such. Every student has individual needs, different learning styles, social abilities, and personalities. It is my responsibility to ensure my students get the individual attention that they need and deserve.